The oligarchs'
nuclear wargame:
9/11 history
The hypothesis of the nuclear destruction
process with neutron collimator AMENDS the diagram of
Dr Judy Wood.
It does NOT contradict the use of scalar weapons: the tower is the weapon!
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“The EMP can disturb or destroy all electronically supported machines, from plane to cardiac pacemaker, it jeopardizes the central systems of broadcasting services, rescue services, hospitals, energy providers and railroad transport – endangering warning mechanisms, patient care and evacuations.”
Dr Judy wood assumes that an unknown weapons system was used.
a high-energy bundle of rays can be directed on any target on earth and destroy it
Energy source and design of the weapon are unknown
Hypothetical scalar weapon in the sky – in the orbit
The release of the direct EMP pulse into the surroundings was NOT observed: it was compensated in the bedrock and by the steel tower. |
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Initially the release of the EMP pulse that was time-delayed by 15 seconds is a complete mystery (cars blazing up)
as a consequence, there are several attempts to explain this fact with the existence of an energy-storing [weapons] system: a scalar weapon
The design of the WTC allows the construction of such a weapon.
A channel to the explosive charge acts as rectifier:
the 75 m granite with “aperture plate” form a neutron ray collimator
The inner steel core with its outer steel structures acts as Faraday cage:
a combination of antennas develops, supplied with energy from scattering, reflection and nuclear fission processes
Diagram by Dimitri Khalezov (modified):
1. Neutron flash in the building
2. “Bathtub” protecting the foundation
3. Channel to explosive charge
4. Center of explosion at a depth of 75 m
5. Edge of neutron radiation area of influence
Collimator for neutrons on cyclotron of the University of Washington:
the lead rods focus the neutron ray
1. Hexagonal parallel hole collimator mad of lead for gamma radiation
2. Collimator for neutron radiation
The twin towers featured a special type of construction:
a steel core on the inside surrounded by steel girder structures on the outside
This type of construction increases the stability of a building and at the same time converts it into a Faraday cage.
Strong radiant fluxes are trapped inside the building and may only escape at large breaking points or openings (ground level / lobby).
Source 1:
2 (Deutsches Museum Munich):
An electromagnetic pulse with a broadband electromagnetic radiation is generated by, amongst other things, a nuclear explosion (due to the subsequent interaction of gamma radiation and air).
The suggested model gives a plausible explanation why this radiation pulse inside the buildings can be realized without extinguishing all life in the surroundings.
The residual energies escaping from the Faraday cage were still high enough to inflame cars and to destroy electronic devices near the WTC.
In addition the radiation energy is caught in the Faraday cage [the office tower] which contributes to its destruction.
Before and during the destruction of the twin towers some phenomena were observed that suggest the existence of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), in particular:
Lighting effects in buildings
Inflammation of combustible metal-coated objects
Just like the metal grid at a microwave oven window, the metal fence made of wire mesh acts as reflecting radiation barrier:
due to reflection, even those cars that were located far away from the wire mesh got such a high radiation dose that they took fire
Cars behind the wire mesh fence are undamaged
Cars behind a mound are undamaged
1. Burnt cars in front of the fence
2. Damaged cars behind the fence
1. Burnt cars in front of the fence
2. Damaged cars behind the fence
Microscopic examination shows that the dust of the destroyed WTC contains billions of microscopic iron droplets.
These iron droplets form in the first milliseconds due to scattering of neutron radiation and the absorption of microwave radiation.
They condensate and solidify within seconds as little droplets, similar to hailstones in a thunderhead.
The finely dispersed iron dyes the dust cloud deep black.
Source 1:
Source 1:
Iron and concrete turned into fine dust particles while tons of paper endured the destruction process of the twin towers and were blown through the streets of Manhattan.
This process is called “molecular dissociation”.
Once the absorbed energy exceeds the nuclear binding energy of the iron crystal, the molecular structure dissolves, i.e. it dissociates.
1. Condition 1: Energetic radiation hits the molecular structure / metal lattice structure
2. Energy absorption as oscillation
3. Broken lattice structure
Chemical process of the atomic shell: it depends on the absorbance of the molecular structure if chemical bonds can be broken by a short energetic radiation pulse.
Iron / concrete have a high absorbance
the absorbed energy destroys the molecular bonds
light materials such as paper have a low absorbance
the energy does not suffice to break the molecular bond
Source 1:
Further information on screening: Further information on attenuating the radiation: |
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The atomic nucleus of iron has a high basic stability, stable isotopes develop:
54Fe does not get radioactive until it has absorbed 5 neutrons
Reporters’ cameras that were directly engulfed in the dustcloud suddenly started recording white dots and flashes – as well as green, violet, blue and red lines.
Source 1 @ 00:45: South Tower Dust Cloud (FOX News):
2 @13:40 (edited?):
Course of events
escaping cameramen, just before being engulfed in the dust
first contact with dust cloud, white dots are recorded immediately
blue, red and green scintillation phenomena
overload and short-circuiting
Scintillation is a flash of light produced in a transparent material by the passage of a particle.
During a nuclear explosion this can be an electron, an alpha particle, an ion, or a high-energy photon. The degree of measurable scintillation is based on the distance to the blast.
CCD cameras [charge-coupled device] will detect scintillation but only at high levels.
Source @18:35 Interaction of a camera with radioactive radiation on 9/11:
The farther away you get from the blast the less radiant power you are exposed to.
On 9/11 most of the CCD cameras were too far away to be sensitive enough to show scintillation properly.
The radioactive decay process of the confirmed uranium fission products will emit short-range beta radiation,thus only cameras located directly inside the cloud were able to record these radiation effects.
The radioactive isotopes originate from two different processes:
induced nuclear fission by uranium (fission products and their decay chain)
absorption of neutrons by previously stable atomic nuclei (f. ex. tritium)
The NYPD had been preparing for years for a "dirty bomb explosion", a bomb contaminated with radioactive particles.
Source 1:
How do you explain the radioactivity in the ground to the public, if it resurfaces suddenly – for example due to a water outburst – and leads to another radioactive contamination of New York? |
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“I think its more the question of "when" than "whether" we'll have one.”
Source 1:
“It’s more a question of ‘when’ than ‘whether’ we’ll have one.”
The investigators of a defective steam pipe explosion in 2007 in New York City first wore full protective clothing against radioactive radiation.
With the exception of the slightly radioactive zirconium, all primary fission products decay within a few days.
Isotopes of the primary fission products however might have longer half lives.
Source (modified):
Nuclear fingerprint (Local): pdfs/USGS_Leachate_Table_Uran_Zerfallskette.pdf
The findings of tritium and tritium water can be explained easily:
the atomic nucleus of hydrogen absorbs a neutron in the case of neutron radiation
free deuterium / tritium develops for a short time and is quickly bound by oxidation in the form of radioactive tritium water
Source 1:
It is also possible that the radioactive tritium originates from a different process.
Official bodies name different potential sources (planes / arms depots / night-vision devices).
An official description and an analysis was carried out by the ’Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’ and is also available as pdf. Local copy: pdfs/Tritiated_Water_241096.pdf |
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Source 1:
Source 2:
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WTC911demolition & CCD camera scintillation; CCD Cameras [Charge-coupled device] will detect scintillation but only at high levels. The farther you get away from the blast the less neutron exposure you get. @ 18:14: eruption of North Tower begins @ 18:30: dust cloud reaches man with his camera registering the event @ 18:35: camera is interacting with radioactive particles, small green sparks are registered (about 10 seconds) ShortClip: |
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NIST FOIA release 10, file WTCI-329-I-#6.wmv @ 06:14: the smoking cauldron in the background @ 06:14:effects of the directional EMP-Impuls; cars directly behind the small hill are NOT burnt. ShortClip: |
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9/11 first responders are getting sick and dying from cancer at an unusually high rate, but their illnesses are not covered by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. They excluded Cancer from the bill. @ 00:30: He is thought to be one of the first of over 33.000 first responders and survivors with "illness related to the attacks" James Zadroga: The VICTIM COMPENSATION FUND EXPIRES October, 2016; Zadroga Act: ShortClip: |
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Experiment of how a fountain shoots up ShortClip: |
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Explanation why neutron radiation will NOT make iron radioactive ShortClip: |
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Explanation of the USGS findings and why paper did not burn ShortClip: |
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Burning cars before the collapse ShortClip: |
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Burning cars after the collapse ShortClip: |
Published under 'U.S. Code Title 17 section 107: FAIR USE Act'. The views expressed in this article are those of the author only.