9/11 History:
nukleare Kriegsspiele
der Oligarchen
Weder die USA noch Israel profitieren auf lange Sicht von dem Verbrechen, das von der CIA und dem Mossad im Auftrag des Finanzkartells ausgeführt wurde.
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Verschiedene Quellen berichten von der Verhaftung israelischer
Agenten an 9/1.
„Unsere Aufgabe war es, die Ereignisse zu dokumentieren“
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„Our purpose was to document the event“
Benjamin Netanyahu * 21. Oktober 1949 |
Ehud Barak * 12. Februar 1942 |
Ari Fleischer * 13. Oktober 1960 |
Zitat, Ari Fleischer zu George W. Bush
Er belog als Sprecher des Weißen Hauses die Weltöffentlichkeit systematisch in Bezug auf die „Massenvernichtungswaffen“ des Irak |
Ariel Sharon * 26. Februar 1928 – 11. Januar 2014 |
Quelle: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/11/burying-sharon/ |
Die von der israelischen Zeitung Haaretz veröffentlichte Karikatur zeigt Benjamin Netanyahu am Steuer eines Flugzeugs, das auf den Südturm des WTC zusteuert.
Quelle (BBC): http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-29881552
Dov Zakheim * 18. Dezember 1948 |
Die Fehlsumme wurde von Donald Rumsfeld am 10. September 2001 bekanntgegeben Unter der Administration von George W. Bush wurde Rabbi Dov Zakheim zum Undersecretary of Defense und Bilanzprüfer nominiert (2001 bis 2004) Dov S. Zakheim ist ebenfalls verantwortlich für den Verkauf einer als „Schrott“ deklarierten Staffel amerikanischer F-15 und F-16 Kampfflugzeuge an Israel – für einen Bruchteil des eigentlichen Werts |
Richard Perle * 16. September 1941 |
Er war der Vorsitzende des Verteidigungsstrategie des Pentagons an 9/11 (Chairmen of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board) Bereits 1970 wurde Richard Perle von Senator Henry Jackson entlassen, als klar wurde, dass er geheime Dokumente der USA an Israel weitergab |
Paul Wolfowitz * 22. Dezember 1943 |
An 9/11 war Paul Wolfowitz stellvertretender Verteidigungsminister (Deputy Defense Secretary) und Mitarbeiter für Verteidigungsstrategie des Pentagons (member of the Defense Policy Board) Ebenfalls war er Mitautor der Strategieplanung ’Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ (Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century) http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
Ptech Software Systems |
Das computergesteuerte nationale Sicherheitssystem, das automatisch im Fall einer nationalen Notlage wie 9/11 die Kampfjets hätte alarmieren müssen, nutzte die Software der Firma Ptech Kontrolle von Ptech erfolgte über das israelische Unternehmen Guardium (Amit Yoran und Michael S. Goff) https://www.corbettreport.com/ptech-and-the-911-software/ 9/11 INTERCEPTED – by Pilots For 9/11 Truth): |
System Planning Corporation |
Dov S. Zakheim war von 1987 – 2001 Geschäftsführer von SPS Hypothetisch wäre es einfach gewesen, modifizierte ferngesteuerte Flugzeuge in die Türme des WTC zu steuern und Millisekunden vor Aufschlag zusätzliche Sprengkörper zu zünden |
Odigo messenger |
Angestellte der Firma erhielten 2 Stunden vor dem Einschlag des ersten Flugzeugs eine Warnung, nicht in die Nähe des WTC zu gehen. Diese Warnung wurde NICHT an die Behörden weitergeleitet Odigo besitzt Vertretungen in New York und in Herzliya, Israel. In Herzliya befindet sich gleichfalls der Hauptsitz des Mossad |
SIMS Metals Management |
Ratner verkaufte über 50.000 Tonnen Stahl – das Beweismaterial des Verbrechens – an eine chinesische Firma Der Stahl wurde noch vor Verschiffung mit anderem Eisenschrott vermischt |
Michael Chertoff * 28. November 1953 |
An 9/11 war er der Leiter der Kriminalabteilung des Justizministeriums (Criminal Division des Justice Department an 9/11) Er veranlasste die Freilassung und Rückkehr nach Israel von mehr als hundert israelischen Agenten, einschließlich derjenigen, die vorab den Einschlag der Flugzeuge in das WTC filmten Außerdem war er der Richter im Prozess des Anschlags auf das WTC im Jahr 1993 |
Michael B. Mukasey * 28. Juli 1941 |
Er hatte den richterlichen Vorsitz im Rechtsstreit zwischen Larry Silverstein und den Versicherungsgesellschaften nach 9/11 NOTIZ: Versicherungsgesellschaften sind rückversichert, die das Geld letztendlich bei Aktionären holen |
Alvin Hellerstein * 1933 |
Er war verantwortlich in der Rechtsprechung in Bezug auf andere zentrale Fälle zum 11. September, einschließlich der Klagen der Luftfahrtgesellschaften, deren Flugzeuge benutzt und zerstört wurden |
Ronald S. Lauder * 26. Februar 1944 |
Er ist weiter Mitglied der Jewish Anti Defamation League (ADL) und des Jewish National Fund. Präsident des World Jewish Congress |
Larry Silverstein * 30. Mai 1931 |
Er schloss sofort hohe Versicherungen gegen Terroranschläge mit Flugzeugen gegen das WTC ab Die Versicherung erklärte sich bereit 4,55 Milliarden US $ Entschädigung zu zahlen, was weniger war als Silverstein erwartet hatte |
Jules Kroll * 18. Mai 1941 |
Er war Eigentümer der Sicherheitsfirma Kroll Associates |
Jerome Hauer |
Die Mutter von Jerome Hauer ist Ehren-Präsident der Bewegung ’Daughters of Zion’ (Rose Muscatine Hauer) Quelle: http://winterpatriot.blogspot.de/2007/02/meet-jerome-hauer-911-suspect-awaiting.html |
Lewis Eisenberg * 1942 |
Er ist Mitglied der ’Jewish Anti Defamation League’ (ADL) und des ’United Jewish Appeal’ |
Frank Lowy * 22. Oktober 1930 |
Er war früher Mitglied der israelischen Golan-Brigade |
„Wann wird wissenschaftlicher Betrug zu einer terroristischen Handlung?“
Philip D. Zelikow * 21. September 1954 |
Er war der leitende Direktor der 9/11 commission – die einflussreichste Stellung innerhalb des Komitees http://www.lostscribemedia.com/news/911-israels-masterpiece/ |
Stephen Cauffman |
Er war Leiter der Untersuchung der NIST, was letztendlich zur systematischen Verschleierung der Gründe des Zusammenbruchs von WTC 7 führte |
„When Does Scientific Fraud Become an Act of Terrorism?“
BBC World am 11. September 2011 |
„Zufälligerweise“ war Ehud Barak am 11. September 2001 im Studio bei BBC Er „vemutete“ noch vor dem Zusammenbruch des ersten Turms ’Osama bin Laden’ als den Täter |
BBC World am 11. September 2011 |
Der Zusammenbruch von WTC 7 wurde 20 Minuten vor dem eigentlichen „überraschenden“ Zusammenbruch gesendet – LIVE, mit dem noch stehenden Gebäude im Hintergrund |
„If it is a kind of Bin Laden organization [which is behind it]...“
„BBC: Jane, what more can you tell us about the Solomon Brothers' Building and its collapse?“
Lloyd Craig Blankfein * 15. September 1954 |
Am 10. September 2001 erhielten die Angestellten von Goldman Sachs eine Warnung von ihren Kollegen aus Japan, Tokio, sich nicht in der Stadt New York aufzuhalten Lloyd Craig Blankfein ist bekannt für das Zitat er sei nur ein Banker, der Gottes Willen erfüllt („doing God’s work“) |
Ben Shalom Bernanke *13. Dezember 1953 |
Unter Ben Bernanke wurde Billionen staatlicher Gelder umgeschichtet, ohne dass Auskunftspflicht darüber bestand: das Geld ist „verschwunden“ |
Dafür zahlen die USA dem Kartell nicht die Kosten für den Druck, Papier und Tinte – sondern echte Schuldzinsen auf das gedruckte, „verliehene“ Geld Kurz: überstaatlich organisierte Kriminalität |
Rothschild Banking Group |
Der Staat Israel wurde unter Mitwirkung – oder auf Wunsch – der Rothschild Banking Group gegründet Das ’Greater Israel Project’ ist das Ziel, Israel in den alten, durch die historischen Überlieferungen festgelegten Grenzen neu zu definieren |
Der Machtkampf des Kartells gegen die Unabhängigkeit der Völker ist sehr alt. Er begann noch VOR dem Entstehen der Vereinigtes Staaten von Amerika. |
Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)
Quelle: http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/Thomas.Jefferson.Quote.CA94
Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)
Quelle: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/LKO.php
Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965)
Quelle: http://www.whale.to/b/churchill_h.html
Die Anweisung wurde von U.S. Präsident John F. Kennedy am 4. Juni 1963 unterzeichnet. Sie erlaubte den Vereinigten Staaten, erneut ihr eigenes Geld ohne Schuldzinsen zu drucken.
Nach der Ermordung Kennedys machte der neue Präsident Lyndon B. Johnson die Anweisung rückgängig, er gab damit die Hoheit, Geld drucken zu dürfen zurück an das privat kontrollierte Bankenkartell – an das Federal Reserve System.
This is a portion of the speech that President John F. Kennedy gave at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961. "The President and the Press" before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
„The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings.
We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.“
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„Sie haben das getan.
Ich habe es absolut klar gemacht: 9/11 war eine Operation des Mossad.“
„Ich habe gezeigt, wie das dritte Gebäude, World Trade Center Büroturm Nr. 7 in sich zusammenfiel.
Es ist klar: wenn EIN Gebäude zur Zerstörung vermint war, dann waren ALLE Gebäude vermint.“
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Hinter dem Kartell steht letztendlich die Macht der privat geführten Zentralbanken. Dem Kartell geht es in erster Linie um absolute Kontrolle und Machterhalt – und zwar mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln. Das eigentliche Werkzeug ist das Finanzsystem, dem alles andere untergeordnet ist. |
Shakespeare.mit.edu/hamlet/hamlet.2.2 |
Die Zerstörung von Staaten – einschließlich der USA und Israels – ist kalkulierte Politik des Kartells. Die Nutzung der neokonservativen (USA) oder zionistischen Kräfte (Israel) ist dabei nur Mittel zum Zweck. Letztendlich stehen die Kollaborateure als Betrogene vor einem Scherbenhaufen. Link: http://www.medialit.org/reading-room/addicted-violence-has-american-dream-become-nightmare |
Zeremonie zum 1. Jahrestag des 11. Septembers 2001, der mit Sand bedeckte Boden noch dampfend.
Das ’Skylight’ (Himmelslicht) des ’World Trade Center Oculus’ wird sich als Auge jedes Jahr zum Jahrestag des 11. Septembers öffnen und in den Himmel blicken.
Faust I, Vers 2181 f. / Mephistopheles |
Source 1: http://ifamericansknew.org/about_us/4maps.html
Renderings of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church designed by Santiago Calatrava, which will overlook the 9/11 Memorial. @ 01:41: The Eye’s Church on Ground Zero @ 04:09: The Eye taking the place of Jesus Christ |
An animation of the WTC Transit Hub. The Eye will open each year on the anniversary of 9/11. |
The World Trade Center Transportation Hub is a transit and retail complex currently under construction by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to replace the temporary World Trade Center PATH station. |
A video showing "special" pieces of art at a New York City Subway station complex just northeast of the World Trade Center Site. This station complex is 3 stations connected together: Park Place for the 2 & 3 trains, Chambers Street for the A & C trains, and World Trade Center. @ 00:16: The Eye on the Ground as the Centre of the World @ 00:49: Artwork "occulus" on the walls of the subway undworld tunnels |
The Eye forming on Ground Zero. @ 00:00: Start of the procession of The Eye @ 00:25: The Eye is completed in its formation |
(In German) Robert Stein’s presentation about the four different "levels of 9/11 truth" (1.st level: the official version of a gravitational collaspe; 2nd level: the controlled demolition of the Towers; 3rd level: the nuclear evaporation; 4th level: a plot against humanity by a criminal network with a perverted believe system) @ 01:31:02 Robert Stein: "Ich verstehe auch nicht warum im Jahre 1995 ein Kartenspiel herausgebracht wird [...] wo alle ganz komischen möglichen Kartenspiele gezeigt werden, unter anderem das brennende Pentagon und [...] das explodierende World Trade Center." |
InfoWars.com Darrin McBreen explains why RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. @ 00:10: "How would you like to have an RFID microchip implanted underneath your skin?" @ 12:45: "Meanwhile in the UK RFID chips are used to track children everywhere they go all day long" @ 13:53: "Listen, we can put this in your children and you never have to worry about your child going missing..." @ 14:04: "When in fact it may very well be that this is the most evil technology we have ever seen, but it will be sold to us [...] in the name of safety, we are already seeing that." |
Barack Obama and George W. Bush lead the mourning ten years on from the 9/11 atrocities. @ 02:26: "America does anniversaries well. It values the healing powers of rituals and memorials." @ 03:22: George W. Bush: "President Lincoln not only understood the heartbreak of his country, he also understood the cost of sacrifice." |
First Responders not welcome at 9/11 ceremony @ 00:16: Alex Jones: "The problem is, the firemen, the police, the military, the hereos of 9/11 have been barred from being at Ground Zero" @ 01:05: Paul Joseph Watson: "People trusted the government and years later the majority of the 9/11 first responders are either dead or sick and dying of these illnesses." |
Law enforcement officials say there is a credible but unconfirmed threat of a possible terror attack on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Bob Orr reports. @ 00:45: Barack Obama meeting the victim’s family members on Ground Zero |
First aired on Channel 4 (UK) on September 11, 2007. @ 00:00: Ground Zero; a view of the magnitude of the destruction and the violence of the explosions |
Exclusive video documenting the recovery effort, i.e. "cleanup" after the collapse of the World Trade Center towers (and WTC 7) on September 11, 2001. @ 03:50: construction workers on top of the steaming volcano "Ground Zero" @ 05:37: the radioactive vapours from Ground Zero rising up @ 05:58: computer model of the evaporation of WTC2, WTC1 and Building 7 @ 15:06: cleanup works with heavy machinery, rescue workers on site @ 22:30: the steaming ’lava field’ of Ground Zero |
George W. Bush giving his first speech to the nation after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. @ 00:08: the exceptional look of fear in George W. Bush’s eyes, facing his ’advisors’ |
@ 00:30: George Carlin: "Forget the politicians. They, they are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice." @ 01:10: George Carlin: "Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I will tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking." @ 01:39: George Carlin: "They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who were just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb engouh to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs, the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, the vanishing pension that dissappears the moment you are going to collect it." |
Documentary: 911, Toxic Legacy which aired on Canadian CBC 9/10.2006 @ 00:35: "The concentrations are such that they don’t pose a health hazard. We are going to make sure everybody is safe" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDg8tWdY71o |
The United States nuked the United States. @ 26:55: This is Nevada! Check at http://www.climateviewer.org/ ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K92WOSaTdX8 |
Documentary: Richard Gage, AIA – at the office of NIST @ 00:21: "Our take a message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery. World Trade Center 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furniture. It did not collapse from explosives or from fuel oil fires." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJc1aHEQu7w |
The study is being conducted by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of UAF's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) @ 00:43: "Our goal is to figure out why it collapsed late in the afternoon on september 11th, 2001 even though is was not hit by an airplane." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzP4-QSJA-0 |
Richard Gage explains Controlled Demolitions @ 13:11: "This is what a highrise looks like when its being demolished with explosives.Controlled demolitions can be engineered in many different ways." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDZsS9T8APE |
Pyroclastic flows of the volcano eruption, April 30, 2016 @ 00:05: the blast sends ash several miles into the sky, and causes large pyroclastic flows to descend down the mountainside of the volcano. ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGj9rhSiucI |
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Comparing the eruptions of 9/11 with the eruption of a volcano @ 00:05 (Brian Williams, News Anchor MSNBC): "...and watching all day, this is like watching the collapse of an active volcano. And the dust from it is not unlike that from a volcano" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMQfxR7HHlw |
9/11 first responders are getting sick and dying from cancer at an unusually high rate, but their illnesses are not covered by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. At first they excluded Cancer from the bill. @ 15:38: story of John Devlin (FDNY); diagnosed with throat cancer ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPwrWPjH9CE |
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A strong radiation impuls from below does not contradict the official model.Suddenly all the supporting structures do vanish. But our model explains in addition the formation of the cowliflowering mushroom clouds, a fact NIST has not even touched. Our model also explains the formation of a funnel, the so called vortex. Vortex formation is typical for a nuclear explosion, as well as the propagation of a hot pyroclastic flow. The pyroclastic densitiy flow races ahead on a hot layer of air like an avalanche flows on compressed air and snow.. ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1FvRcs66A4 |
What the Electro Magnetic imPulse did on 9/11. @ 07:34: cars directly behind a small earth hill a still shiny, all others are burnt @ 24:43: burnt trees without any leaves next to the Twin Towers ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVyb6uHyH8w |
The Terror Show: we expect a dirty bomb in New York (cover-up for 9/11 background radiation) http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/02/05/seen-at-11-nycs-ring-of-protection-tools-in-the-fight-against-dirty-bombs @ 00:27 (Dr. David Brenner): I think its more a question of "when" than "whether" we'll have one... ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ_bL7MV_6w |
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When examining the phycics of 9/11 one has to deal with, sooner or later, metaphysics and openly superstitious believes. Strange Rituals and eye-shaped buildings, where the lid will open on 9/11 to stare the skies. A spitirual conception where THE EYE takes the place of Jesus Christ.The place underground is covered with the EYE symbolism, in the tunnels of the New York underground stations.Whoever is mad with this symbolism on Ground Zero, he repeats it again and again. As Shakespeare wrote: "Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjSchPZBG2I |
Peter Ustinov as Nero: "to demolish and create – to create anew..." Peter Ustinov as Nero: "how can I expect that mob share my vision?" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f73riWROPa4 |
Compilation of Clips |
Explosions in the City of Sanaa are non-conventional as white dots around the fireglobe and blue radiation phemomena are visible after the explosions ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVjGqse-ebQ |
HD COLOR Backup from deleted Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edNc0yjNdg8 @ 00:03: emerging fireball from below the earth @ 00:20: pyroclastic dust wave of pulverized rock ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyMegAfUqxs |
@ 01:45 (George Friedman, February 3rd, 2015): "The primoridal interest of the United States over which for a century we fought wars – the first, second and the Cold War – has been the relationship between Germany and Russia. Because united they are the only force that could threaten us; and to make sure that this doesn’t happen". ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb3_fXHd9cY |
Man kann sich nicht darauf verlassen, dass das, was vor den Wahlen gesagt wird, auch wirklich nach den Wahlen gilt. Und wir müssen damit rechnen, dass das in verschiedenen Weisen sich wiederholen kann. After an election you cannot really count on what has been said before the election. And we have to expect that this is going to repeat itself, in one form or another. ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4g3xt1yL9w |
9/11, links to Israel, the mossad, and the crime within a crime is all discussed with Christopher Bollyn in an uncensored discussion with Sean Stone. @ 01:15: The crime of 9/11 [...] was never really investigated as a crime. @ 03:18: When you talk about the 9/11 commission report [...] these do not replace an official police investigation, a forensic investigation, which never happened. So the destruction of the evidence is itself a crime. And for that crime you could hold John Ashcroft, Michael Chertoff, and of course George Bush and Dick Cheney accountable. @ 04:31: I could see that the government and the Media were avoiding two main things: they were avoiding the evidence of explosions in the World Trade Center and they were ignoring and omitting any discussions of these five dancing Israelis. @ 05:11: and some instant messages went out of this text messages service [ODIGO] – israeli owned – that warned of an imminent catastrophe at the World Trade Center and it was sent out about two hours before it actually happened. @ 07:01 [Sean Stone]: Where do you think Mossad fits into the scheming of this event? @ 08:12: You have to understand that in Israel – in 1976 I think it was – the LIKUD coalition came to power. When the LIKUD coalition came to power it basically brought the terrorist gangs of the 1940 into the top of the government. @ 10:35: And Menachem Begin who was the founder of the LIKUD party who took Israel into the war in Lebanon, was also the person who bombed the King David Hotel in July 1946. And that’s very similar to 9/11. [...] So they had to destroy the King David Hotel in order to destroy the evidence. @ 14:07: Basically all that was left of the World Trade Center after 9/11 was Dust and Steel. The US government did a some, little survey of the dust and they found that all the dust contained tiny droplets of molten iron, basically little balls of iron. @ 19:25: Well, with all the respect for the Saudis I would have to say they were kind of useful idiots. They have been played. [...] When they talk about Saudi involvement in 9/11 that is not consistent with all the information that I have found. @ 21:42: When you look at the british imperial policy you have to look who is behind that imperial policy and you do find the fingerprints of the Rothschild family for example. The Balfour declaration – which created the State of Palestine – was basically like the birth certificate for the Nation in 1917 was addressed to Lord Rothschild. And the Rothschilds they had their own interest there, they wanted to create this jewish state, they wanted to protect the Suez canal, which they had invested in and owned. @ 22:50: But you have to look at who is The Brain behind the Empire. [] @ 24:25: I am encouraged by the fact that Minister Farrakhan in Chicago, Nation of Islam, has started speaking out about [you know] the Israeli role in 9/11. [...] All our institutions have failed us. The Media, the Government, the Police, the Universities, the Churches... [Sean Stone]: To me actually, London’s policy is being foisted by [a] much older empire which is called The Roman Catholic Empire, you know. And again, I don’t look at it like a Zionist influence over the British. I think the British have a much older game that they play and they used Zionism as one of their tools. @ 29:26: 9/11 is an ongoing crime. The crime happened on september 2001. But ever since then they have been maintaining this web of deception around it and basing policy on that deception. @ 33:42 [Sean Stone]: Let’s hope that you check out "Solving 9/11" and start to realize that the events of that day were not as they appeared on the TV screen. That was an tremendous magic trick that was played so that we can be in this endless war of continuos militarization not only abroad but also domestically. And it will carry on until we start to actually call out the criminals, the real terrorist that perpetrated it. ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2lNczWiOo |
The Lobby’s Power is a Danger to Israel. Carter, who as US president did his best to bring Israel and Palestine to a settlement, truthfully explained that Israel was the barrier to a settlement. The Israel Lobby demonized Carter as an anti-semite, and the Jews on the board of the Carter Center resigned. |
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