9/11 History:
если 'элита' играет
в ядерную войну с народом
На месте падения самолета United Airlines, летевшего рейсом 93, создан национальный мемориал – трибуна для пропаганды, лжи и фальшивого патриотизма.
В конечном счете, элита может праздновать победу над народом и его подчинение фашистским силам в стране: Корпоративный фашизм
ССЫЛКА НА ВНЕШНИЙ РЕСУРС: (ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: мы не несем ответственности за содержание материалов на внешних ресурсах)
Аэросъемка 1994 года показывает, что «отпечаток крыльев упавшего самолета» в действительности представляет собой географический сдвиг.
Местные жители сообщали о низколетящем военном самолете и сфотографировали после взрыва облако черного дыма, имевшее характерную для взорвавшейся ракеты форму.
Дыра в земле напоминала маленькую курящуюся воронку.
«This is the most eerie thing. I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop.»
«Примерно через 20 минут я перестал быть судебным медиком. Просто потому, что не было тел.»
«I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there.»
«Это выглядело так, как будто кто-то взял мусоровоз, выкопал траншею глубиной 10 футов и свалил туда мусор.»
«It looked like someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10-foot ditch and dumped all this trash into it.»
На карте ниже показаны места, где были найдены обломки в значительных количествах:
обломки прямо в воронке
отдельный двигатель на удалении 600 м
обломки в местечке «The Indian Lake marina» на удалении около 5,5 км от воронки
обломки в местечке «The New Baltimore» на удалении около 12 км от воронки
Мемориал имеет опять же форму зрачка.
«Вдохновившись тем, что здесь произошло, 2,8 миллиона молодых американцев вступили в ряды вооруженных сил после 11 сентября [...] Тысячи из них погибли за то, чтобы положить конец начавшейся здесь войне, десятки тысяч были ранены.»
«Inspired by what happened here 2.8 million young americans since 9/11 [...] have joined the United States armed forces. Thousands giving their lives and tens of thosands being wounded to finish the war that began here.»
Вооруженные силы США ведут войны на Ближнем Востоке.
Американский народ пока еще не понимает, что их патриотизмом систематически злоупотребляет враждебная им власть.
«Войну следует вести обманом»
«by deception thou shalt do war»
Воспитание с целью подчинения и слепого повиновения вытекает из их собственных изворотливых правил и законов:
Отбор уступчивых
Source 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_93_National_Memorial
Source 2: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/photos/index.html
As a preview to the Architects of Healing ceremony, AIA President Jeff Potter, FAIA, opened the May 17 general session with the story of the Flight 93 National Memorial. @ 03:30: "These are all just incredibly emotional moments [...] This has been a much more intense project ..." @ 03:40: "I hope it’s an appropriate tribute to these 40 people that gave their lives that day". ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1nVVZ8fIGE |
A very small portion of the reading of names and bell ringing to remember the souls lost on FLIGHT 93 on Sept. 11, 2001. ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSTZ6Eau8Io |
Vice President Biden joined by President Clinton, President George W. Bush, and families of the fallen, gathered in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to remember and honor 40 men and women who gave their lives so others could live theirs. September 10, 2011. @ 03:24: "We are here today to remember and honor 40 men and women who gave their lives so that other could live theirs." @ 10:05: "Inspired by what happened here 2.8 million young americans since 9/11 [...] have joined the United States armed forces. Thousands giving their lives and tens of thosands being wounded to finish the war that began here...." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEhkferfm6E |
‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ event in 2011 Cadets were threatened that their careers would be finished if they refused to participate in a feminist campaign to promote the completely debunked college rape culture myth by wearing red spray painted high heels (Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 172nd Infantry Brigade) Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program on Sept. 22, 2012 At the U.S. military base Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany, 200 soldiers wore red high heels in an international men’s march against domestic violence and sexual assault https://cofda.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/red-high-heels-rose-barracks-vilseck-germany.jpg ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQvfWk-pUI4 |
First report from the scene of the ’crash’ of Flight 93 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania (day 1). @ 01:30: Kane Farabaugh: "What we know at the crashsite so far is that not much notable exists there except for a large crater in the ground..." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py6E4vPPqLk |
First report from the scene of the ’crash’ of Flight 93 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania (night / day 2). @ 01:24: "Right now we are treating this as a criminial act" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cxbSlpFuOQ |
From Doug Hagmann of Canada Free Press comes a chilling account of what's in store for us if we continue to ignore the bare-faced warnings of the central power base. @ 04:39: "Most of the elected officials are onboard with the subjugation of the United States to a global system of governance" @ 05:19: " The takeover of America has already happened, the collaborators have already been installed, and we are now on a path to complete subjugation of a larger global system of governance. If you continue to doubt this, how else would you explain the numerous examples of our dual-party governmental acquiescence of self destruction?" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rKgpLmCTmk |
This simply means that the FED is going to print more and more dollars until all of your purchasing power is destroyed. @ 00:45: Kyle Bass: "And when I asked a senior member of the Obama administration last weeek <how are we going to grow exports if we won’t allow nominal wage deflation?> and he said: ’we are just going to kill the dollar’ " ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liOcbc-kbDE |
In 2009 during the G8 summit in Italy Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev presents a sample coin of the Global Currency Original in Russian@06:36 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWCDY0INnyY Links :http://www.globalresearch.ca/medvedev-unveils-world-currency-coin-at-g8/14326 Links :http://www.futureworldcurrency.com/Documents.asp?DocumentID=3875 @ 01:01: Dmitry Medvedev: And the question of supernational currencies. Coincidentially I have good news for you. In my pocket there is a supranational coin which was given to me as a gift." "This is one unit of a testing release 'Unity in diversity' and it refers to the international currency 'United Future World Currency'.""Here it is. You can already take a look at it and even touch it." ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fbJazWKkWU |
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country" (Quote from Hermann Göring) @ 00:14:52: "The nation is under attack" ShortClip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6RUPI4wVEA |
Published under 'U.S. Code Title 17 section 107: FAIR USE Act'. The views expressed in this article are those of the author only.